Posting your bags to us
Our purchase process involves you, the customer, posting your bags to us once you've completed your online order. This can be done using a box, a bag or any other suitable method. The customer must use the DPD postal service, which involves printing a pre-paid postage label, attaching it to the parcel and taking it to one of the thousands of drop-off points used by DPD.
We aim to have all bags returned to the customer within 14 days of them arriving at Bbag Lab HQ. Please be aware that this can be longer depending on the work required on the bbag.
Please ensure all packages are properly sealed. This will protect against any damage or loss during shipping.
After your bags have been fully cleaned, we will re-package them and return them to you via courier.
DPD Home Collection
We also offer this service, which requires you to provide a suitable day between Monday-Friday to one of our team, who will contact you to confirm this when your order has been made.
You must package your bags up in a sealed box or bag.
Whilst our customers can use the Home Collection service, please be aware that any failed collections will result in the customer being liable for the cost of that collection. This charge will be added to your final invoice and a new collection slot will need to be booked. To avoid any problems, DPD conveniently allows maximum flexibility with all collections, so you are able to delay and rearrange collections using their online service. Home collection shipping is charged at £9 which includes the return shipping cost also.
All inbound parcels are covered up to the value of £100, all outbound bags are covered up-to a value of £100, we do also offer full insurance for the return delivery for an additional £4.99 which will be offered to you prior to us returning your bags. In the unlikely event of your bags getting lost we will require receipts for proof of purchase prior to any refunds being issued. The insurance is only valid on the outbound journey when the parcel isn't redirected to a drop off point.